Ordained Women Priest

I am an ordained woman priest.  Many are surprised by that.  Just this past weekend, I did a funeral and I wore a collar with a white shirt.  It felt weird but I thought this group needed me to be a bit more “official.”  Typically, I never wear a collar.  It’s too reminiscent of those male priests who sometimes love feeling better than us.  And, with all the pedophile cases, people should be wary.  I prefer that people call me Mary Kay.  The “Rev.” is just not me. 

I became ordained in order to change the system, not to perpetuate it. I get frustrated that the Roman Catholic Church is so stuck and non-Christian. I believe in inclusion for everyone, thanks to my daughter, Anna, who has special needs.  She’s taught me all about diversity and prejudice. Because of Anna, I want everyone to feel welcomed, all the time.  So, I’ve officiated at the weddings of same sex couples and given communion to anyone who comes to the table at liturgy.  I’m not asking them if they believe in the “true” presence of Christ. Jesus was not concerned about the proving or worthiness of being loved. Jesus loved all people.  He even allowed himself to be taught by women. Imagine that. 

So, yes, I’m a woman priest but not the traditional type.  I’m here to offer a helping hand to those in need and to receive what others wish to offer.  It’s a two-way street.  And I feel humbly grateful to be of support to anyone who’s open to that.  (www.fullcircleic.com)

mary kay kusner

I’m a Roman Catholic Womanpriest who pastors a small catholic church in Iowa City/Coralville, Iowa.  We’ve been meeting on Zoom on Sundays at 4:00pm.  If you’d like to join us, please email me at marykusner50@gmail.com. 


Intrigued by Death