Advanced Directives

DPOAHC: Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care

This document appoints someone you want to speak on your behalf when you are not able to speak for yourself. A DPOAHC does not become activated any time before this. Choosing someone you trust is essential. And, making sure this person can do what you want, rather than what they want in a crisis is also important.  Never assume this person will know what you want. You must discuss your wishes.

Five Wishes

Five Wishes is a nationally recognized Advanced Directive that can be used across state lines

IPOST: Iowa Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment

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The double-sided, one-page document allows a person to communicate their preferences for key life-sustaining treatments including: resuscitation, general scope of treatment, artificial nutrition, and more.

According to the statute, the IPOST form shall be a uniform form and shall have all of the following characteristics:

  • Patient’s name and date of birth.

  • Signed and dated by the patient or patient’s legal representative.

  • Signed and dated by the patient’s physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.

  • Signed and dated by the facilitator if the preparation of the form was done by an individual other than the patient’s physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.

Living Will

This document gives a general idea of what you would want in a life-threatening situation.  It’s often not used until after a crisis, unless the medical team knows that it exists. The Living Will speaks to the extreme, if there is no chance of survival.  It doesn’t address the nuances of medical care and the many options available.

Honoring Your Wishes

Honoring Your Wishes | University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics ( is a comprehensive advanced directive that details who is your DPOAHC and what you might want in a variety of situations.  It asks about your values as well to help guide family and medical staff in making decisions that reflect what you would want.  I’ve been certified to help complete this Advanced Directive and would be happy to assist you. (See scheduling for a consultation.)