About us

Hi! I’m Mary Kay, the founder of the Death Education Center. For years I’ve been fascinated with the transition we call death. It’s such a mystery and we’ve attached lots of different meanings to it. But one thing’s for sure, we all will have to face it. As a chaplain for hospice and then palliative care for over 30 years, I sat at the bedside of many people who were dying. I learned a lot from them. Often, I was there to witness their brave efforts to face the unknown. Sometimes their personal beliefs helped and other times, not so much.

For the families who were on the sidelines, they had their own emotions and angst about what the dying process would be like and what comes next. One woman was certain her mom was “no longer here” that is, in her body but she wondered where she was? Is there a limbo or “in-between” place for the spirit before the body finally dies? So many questions.

I have my own beliefs that have evolved over time. Being raised Catholic certainly influenced my earlier beliefs. What I found most helpful in developing my beliefs was a sincere, listening ear, someone who was just as curious and uncertain as I was and willing to suspend their beliefs and listen to my emerging thoughts. What are your beliefs about death? Do they bring you comfort? If not, why not? It’s not my job to convince you of any particular belief, but to help you explore what seems true for you. The conversation is what’s important.

Now, I hope to use my experience and listening skills to help others who struggle with the unknown of death. We need to talk more about it. Only then will we begin to feel empowered when we’re faced with our own death or a loved one’s dying. Together, let’s help open up the conversation about death. It’s one of the most important topics in our lives.